So as some of you may already know, life as I know it has drastically changed this year. It is nothing that anyone else would notice, but it is hugely different to me. My previous ambition to become a worship leader has waxed and waning in its place is an ambition to become myself. I have had glimpses of who I am in the past and would push to make sure pieces of myself were maintained, but I never felt like I had what I needed to truly be myself. I now have the tools I needed to explore the inner workings of me confidently and courageously. When I come on things I don't like, I am not afraid of them or defeated by them. I can move quickly past them now and stand as I am, who I am looking forward to what tomorrow brings.
The name of my blog has changed to reflect that change in my life. Everything that was here prior remains since it all has part to do with who and what I am, but myblog will have a different focus and consistency going forward. Thank you to those of you who are still waiting breath abated (or not since I don't think I deserve it) for my next post. I hope not to let you down.