If your first concern is to look after yourself, you'll never find yourself. But if you forget about yourself and look to me, you'll find both yourself and me.

-Matthew 10:39 (the Message)

Sunday, 15 January 2017


So I forgot which email I use to access this blog so haven't been able to post for a while. Needless to say, I finally got it back so hi again.

What's up with me you ask? Well here's the cliff notes version. I've been working at Best Buy Canada for almost 2 years, even though my doctor said 8 years ago that I would never be able to hold down a job. My husband and I have been working with a financial manager for 6 months and finally got our finances under control. Apparently we weren't spending irresponsibly, it's just really expensive to live in Calgary. I went through a weight loss training program supported by Alberta health with my husband and discovered that pretty much everything I was doing was wrong. We adjusted our habits and now I am starting to practice good habits that will be permanent changes so I don't end up fighting with my weight again. I finally got a new coach and am starting to get the housework under control. We have new tenants so our financial outlook is even better than stable. We may actually be able to start paying my parents back for helping to pay my tuition.

**To Mom and Dad: No that's not a promise, but know that I am trying.**

So needless to say, things are going really well right now. The biggest challenge I'm having is letting God stay in control of kaiRos. We tried to do a test run this summer and learned a lot of things. The method we are proposing is extremely promising based on the limited, biased sample we were able to work with. I am now working to become part of something called the lived experience program. It takes patients and pairs them up with research teams so the patients can recommend research topics that are actually relevant and influential to their experience. It means there will be less studies about what colour of clothes people with depression wear and more studies about what medications and therapeutic methods are actually useful. It's going well, but it takes time and patience is not one of my strongest virtues.

One of the things I am doing to keep God in control of my life, is I am following a study my church is doing on a book called The Story. It is a story version of the Bible as opposed to the standard regurgitation of the previously written texts. It helps to bring context to the passages and understand it as a historical heritage to be lived and remembered as opposed to an ancient relic to be revered for its age and controversy. We get regular journal topics to do through the week so I will post those conversations here so you can join me on the journey.

To those of you still with me, thank you for your support over the years. It has been a long road and I am glad to be on the journey with you.

Lady K

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